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Perfect For You If: You are working on a lot of things at once, and thinking about a lot more. Bring back the clarity you started your business with, and remove that fog that's just getting in your way from getting these things done.

What You Get:

  1. 12hrs of Practical Coaching: 4hrs a month 1:1 coaching with me on Zoom. Get unstuck from the multiple projects you're working on and know what things to do when.
  2. Report To Ground Control (aka Voice/Text Messaging): Things aren't static, they are ever moving and a lot can happen in a week... especially in a busy week! You can contact me at any time in between our sessions for guidance, and support on the things you need to get clarity and keep things moving!
  3. A Coach with a Different Approach: My focus isn't to make you learn a specific tool, or method. My approach is to figure out what methods and tools are best for you to achieve the things you want to do so you can make more money, and help the people you help!
I came to Jonathan without many expectations, just with the hope that 'something' could 'help me sort my chaos out'. [Ground Control] has supported me to look at where the challenges are and deal with them as they come up. I am feeling that the chaos is 'more sorted', and I'm gaining clarity on what I want and how I can get there.
- Gina Holmes

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